All workshops can be taken in person or online.

IT Lean Management

Lean Management seeks to radically restructure the organisation into “Value Streams”, with the aim of streamlining organisational processes and removing nonvalue-adding waste to improve customer service; whilst also improving efficiency and value. The move to a Lean management system can seem a complex and difficult journey. In fact the key issue is leadership. Lean is a human system, rather than a set of tools, the gateway to success in lean is developing managers and employees to truly understand lean; be able to use lean tools; and to work together for optimum benefit.

At the same time, lean transformation is a very empowering and energising route to take. Involve everyone and be open, and you will realise benefits. Lean leadership is about changing the behaviour of leaders from command and control to teamworking; from firefighting to committing quality time to regular improvement activities; from management by memo and e-mail to working with the team every day; from spreadsheets and finance reports to gathering real data in real time in the work area. Our Lean Management for IT workshop is aimed at Directors and other senior IT managers who are currently transforming their IT Departments or considering improving current services. The workshop provides a straightforward introduction to the philosophy of lean and its implementation in service areas.