Develop Global’s highly flexible elearning programme and on-line resources provide development, insight and practical tools for successful business partnering. Individual learners work through a high quality set of materials, exercises and tools to apply knowledge and skills through practical activities based on their own situation and organisation.
The modules and resources are ready to be used or tailored, if required:
- To specific organisational or sector context and roles with bespoke content depending on your needs
- With organisational branding
- Translated into other languages with films and voice over redubbed
A Demonstration Module is also available below.
Each module:
- Includes a comprehensive toolkit of resources that you can practically apply
- Contains animated examples of tools and film clips to demonstrate key learning points
- Is made up of interactive activities, reflective and application questions, as well as a section to check your understanding
- Takes around 25 minutes per module to complete. It is flexible so that you can work at your own pace and come back to sections, exercises and tools as required
- Is compatible with smart phones and tablets to allow for flexible access
- Can be hosted if required on the company Learning Management System
- Can be supported by webinars and on-line workshops and group and individual coaching delivered by business partnering experts
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